Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd - Ingram Trexler
Ingram Trexler
Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd
Chattanooga, TN
Numéro de licence : 123456 - TN / REALTOR® à Ingram Trexler at Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd
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Mes coordonnées
L'AFFILIATION MILITAIRE Military Spouse - United States United States Navy
MARKET CENTER Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd

À propos de moi

Ingram Trexler was born and raised south Mississippi and moved to Chattanooga in 2017. She comes from a background of over 10 years in sales and customer service and brings her enthusiasm, knowledge, and organizational skills to bear when working with her real estate clients.

Ingram attended Elon University and College of Charleston and earned a degree in Theatre and a graduate certificate in Arts Management, respectively. Her skills in the area of the arts give her a unique insight into how to communicate with her clients effectively and resourcefulness to find her clients the best deal.

She has earned real-life experience in sales and property management that make her uniquely suited to serve real estate buyers and sellers.

Ingram entered the Real Estate world in order to be her own boss and emulate her own parents' real estate careers and hasn’t looked back.

She is married and lives in Hixson with her husband, son, and rescue pup. She spends her free time singing in her church's choir, reading, crocheting, and hiking with her family.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Ingram Trexler
Numéro de licence : 123456
Ingram Trexler at Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd

Contact Me
Keller Williams Chattanooga - East Brainerd
7158 Lee Highway Chattanooga TN 37421

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